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Step Up and Play! The Festival Tour
20 May, 2017 15:00 - 17:00
Step Up and Play! The Festival Tour |〈來!樓梯現真身〉節日之旅
Meet Up Place | 集合地點 Man Mo Temple | 文武廟
Led by |帶領者 Mela Kocher
Let’s tour the stairs and play our favorite games from the Step Up and Play! analog games festival! All ages are welcome!
讓我們一起遊覽樓梯和在〈來!樓梯現真身〉不 插電迷你遊戲節玩我們最喜愛的遊戲吧!無論你 是什麼年齡也可一同參與!
Contact | 查詢 mela.kocher@zhdk.ch
Mela is a senior researcher and lecturer at ZHdK, specialisation Game Design. Her interests include the research and design of urban and pervasive games, “playification”, and the intersections between fiction and reality. Her 2007 dissertation examined the aesthetics and narrativity of video games. From 2009-11, Mela did a postdoc at the University of California, San Diego.
Mela Kocher 博士是蘇黎世藝術大學的高級研究員和講師,專研遊戲設計