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Photography, New Media, and the Contemporary Archive

14 May, 2017 15:00 - 16:30

Photography, New Media, and the Contemporary Archive | 攝影、新媒體與當代檔案庫

Panel Discussion | 專題討論會
Moderator | 主持 Scott Dietrich
Speakers | 講者
Nicolas Büchi, Doreen Chan(陳泳因 )& Christopher Mattison (馬德松)

A contemporary visual archive, such as the ℎ (), can be made up of documents created using a wide variety of digital and analog techniques, both well-established and relatively new. This panel will discuss the choices made by the different artists and documentarians that have contributed to the and what role their work could take on as viewers interact with and interpret the archive. We will also discuss the impact of contributing to a multi-disciplinary, intentional archive and how that may affect the creation of work. Finally, the panel will consider ways in which original meaning or intent may be altered or interpreted within an archival context.
一個當代的視覺檔案庫如香港樓梯文獻庫(HKSA),可以透過使用多種數碼和模擬技術,包括成熟的和相對較新穎的去建立檔案。這個座談會將會討論不同藝術家與文獻工作者所作出的選擇如何幫助 HKSA,以及他們的作品在觀眾解讀檔案庫和與之互動時所能扮演的角色。除此之外,我們還會討論當以充裕一個跨領域和具策劃性的檔案庫為出發點時會如何影響創作。最後,座談會將會斟酌在成為檔案庫內容的前題下,原本的意義和動機會怎樣被改變或解讀。

Scott Dietrich
Scott has worked in the higher education, gallery, museum, and commercial fields of photography for the past 18 years. His photographic practice is a reaction to the built environment and the creative efforts of the inspired artists, builders, and craftspeople that he encounters during his extensive travels throughout Southeast Asia, China, and the United States. Currently, he is working as an independent curator, educator, artist, and photographer. He has a B.F.A. from the University of Arizona and an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. www.itinerantphoto.com
Scott Dietrich 在過去 18 年曾在多個領域工作,包括高等教育、畫廊、博物館以至商業攝影。他的攝影回應建築環境,以及他遊歷東南亞、中國和美國時所遇到的藝術家、建築工人與工匠們充滿靈感而具創造性的努力。目前,他是一位獨立策展人、教育工作者、藝術家和攝影師。他擁有亞利桑那大學的藝術學士學位與芝加哥藝術學院的

Nicolas Büchi
Nicolas is a research associate at ZHdK in the Cast / Audiovisual Media program. His research focuses on the use of 360°video in non-fiction storytelling. Trained as an Interaction Designer, Nicolas is interested in the technological and cultural challenges presented by online and social media-based video content. Nicolas also has significant experience in developing media for exhibitions.
Nicolas Büchi 是蘇黎世藝術大學 Cast / Audiovisual Media program 的研究員。他的研究聚焦於360 度錄像在非故事性敘事上的用途。經歷過成為一位互動設計師的學習,Nicholas 也對由線上和社交媒體視頻內容所展現的科技和文化挑戰感到興趣。除此之外,Nicholas 同時有著為展覽開發媒體的豐富經驗。

Doreen Chan Wing Yan | 陳泳因
Doreen was born in 1987 in Hong Kong. Chan’s daily life is the main focus and inspiration for her creations. Working with images, videos, and installations, she draws from various subjects that interrelate the intricacies of the surrounding environment. Chan is known as an image maker who believes that images are just materials for her creations. She was invited to hold her first solo exhibition at Lianzhou Foto Festival 2013 and has exhibited her works in various spaces in Beijing, Seoul, Gwangju, Macau, Hong Kong, and several cities in England. Chan’s work was selected as one of the 2015 Three Shadows Photography Award Finalists.
1987 年生於香港。日常生活是陳氏的主要興趣和創作題材,喜愛透過影像,錄像及裝置將自己與身邊的各種事物連上關係。作為影像製造者,陳氏深信「影像只是我創作的材料」。 陳氏於連州國際攝影年展 2013 中舉行了首個個展,並於北京、南韓光州、首爾、澳門、香港及英國多個城市不同展覽展出其作品。其作品入選 2015 年三影堂攝

Christopher Mattison | 馬德松
Christopher is Associate Curator and Publisher at the University of Hong Kong Museum and Art Gallery.


14 May, 2017
15:00 - 16:30
Event Category:


Connecting Space Hong Kong
Fort Street 18-20, Hong Kong ----------------------- Hong Kong + Google Map


Scott Dietrich