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Listening to North Point stairs, a sound walk and workshop

21 May, 2017 14:30 - 16:30


Listening to North Point stairs, a sound walk and workshop | 聽在北角階梯,聲音步行及工作坊

Led by | 帶領者 Fiona Lee(李穎姍)& Demo by | 示範者 Giovanni Lion
English and Cantonese 英文及廣東話
Please register for this event using the RSVP below | 請大家使用以下的RSVP作網上登記

Fiona Lee will begin the sound walk at Connecting Space HK, and then follow a route along the stairs near the hillside of North Point, slowly transiting from the busy main street, to the residential blocks, and then through parks and paths. Along the way, we will discover sounds which are missed in daily life and learn how to record them with simple devices. After the walk and recording, Giovanni Lion, of 3DSND, will introduce the ambisonic sound system used in the exhibit “Listening to the walkable city” and demonstrate how to recreate a soundscape with the the freshly recorded sounds.
今次聲音步行會沿著北角山坡上的石階,拾級而上,離開繁忙的大街,走過住宅群,穿越公園及小徑;聆聽平常會忽略的聲音並用簡單的設備去記錄它們。回到展覽場,3DSND 的 Giovanni Lion 會介紹作品 “Listening to the walkable city” 中運用了的全空間揚聲裝置,並即場示範如何把聲音步行中的錄音重現於一個三維空間之中。

*NOTE to participants* | *活動小提示*
Wear comfortable shoes for stairs, light clothing, and bring some water. 請穿著合適鞋履,輕便裝束及適量清水。
Contact info | 查詢: william@i-for-interactive.com / 9671 3379

3DSND is a sound design collective comprised of Giovanni Lion, Luisa Zhou, Mario Bobbio, and Timothy Smith. Recent work includes installations at the Pearl Lam Gallery for Papinee and the SONAR music festival, as well as the development of a portable ambisonics sound system.
3DSND 是一個聲音設計群團,成員有 Giovanni Lion、Luisa Zhou、 Mario Bobbio 和 Timothy Smith。最近的作品包括分別在 Sónar 音樂節以及在藝術門替 Papinee 所完成的裝置藝術,並正在開發便攜式立體混響系統。

Fiona Lee | 李穎姍 is a sound artist whose works emerge at the intersection of installation and performance art.


21 May, 2017
14:30 - 16:30
Event Category:


Connecting Space Hong Kong
Fort Street 18-20, Hong Kong ----------------------- Hong Kong + Google Map


Tickets are not available as this event has passed.