Time: 4 – 6pm / 下午4時至6時
step up! was launched officially with an opening tour guided by the project curator, Melissa Cate Christ, on December 7th, Saturday, with the project team and featured artists. The tour started at Dominion Garden in Wan Chai and went through the installations and some other ‘secret’ stairs and finished in Tai Ping Shan. It was a great way to celebrate and learn about the complex pedestrian network of Hong Kong stairs.
拾級!終於起動了!今個星期六(12 月7 號)將由是此展覽策劃人 Melissa Cate Christ 和團隊及參與的眾藝術家帶大家步行一趟港島區的樓梯,由灣仔至上環,沿途感受樓梯為鄰里帶來的文化和探訪藝術品。齊來參與這次導賞,讓我們一起探索在香港的秘密樓梯和認識有關樓梯的文化。集合地點是灣仔東美花園。