Tai works in sculpture and installation. She has a BFA in Sculpture from the University of the Arts, London. Her works are in the collections of the Hong Kong Sculpture Society, LCSD, Art Promotion Office, and MTR. She has also shown her artwork in London, Germany, Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei, and was featured in Hong Kong Eye in 2013.
戴氏擅於以雕塑及裝置藝術創作。英國倫敦藝術大學雕塑系榮譽文學士畢業。作品獲香港雕塑學會、康樂及文化事務署、藝術推廣辦事處、香港鐵路有限公司等機構收藏。其作品曾於倫敦、德國、北京、上海、台北等地展出, 並於二零一三年輯錄到《Hong Kong Eye》書冊中。