Arbuthnot Road to Old Bailey Street / 亞畢諾道至奧卑利街
Sound installation / 聲音裝置
The clarity with which we can hear sounds as we walk by them depends upon our pace. We often ignore individual sounds around us, treating them as a single cloud of noise. In can you hear ( ) sing?, Au places a recording of hummingbirds at fixed points along the stairs of Chancery Lane. Pedestrians who slow down to listen to the recording become the audience for the work — hearing sounds that would otherwise be inseparable from the surrounding noise of the city.
走路時聽到的聲音有多清晰,跟步伐的快慢彼此緊扣著。我們也許常常忽略身邊聲音之美,只當成噪音。作品 《喚》在舊樓梯間幾個位置放上裝置,播放城市中鳥鳴的錄音。行人在樓梯上放慢腳步,成為作品的聽眾,並意識到其他與鳥鳴相互輝映的環境聲音。