Po Hing Fong to Rutter Lane / 普慶坊至律打里
Photography Installation / 攝影裝置
250 × 160 × 70 cm (each structure) / 各 250 × 160 × 70 厘米
Yan’s Livelihood photo series documents makeshift metal structures erected by small stall-holders. These structures show adaptations to what were meant to be regulated and standardized stalls. As street stalls and their owners disappear from Hong Kong’s streets, erased as the city redevelops, the preservation and revitalization of these structures and this way of living offers an alternative means of livelihood that counters the city’s tightly controlled commercial environment. Yan’s bamboo structure installation is inspired by the tradition of hanging out laundry, vegetables, or sh to dry — a common scene in the city’s past.
《檔口》攝影系列作品紀錄香港小販攤檔「朝行晚拆」的伸縮金屬結構。這種靈活的結構體現檔主面對排檔標 準化和規範化的適應力。城市不斷發展,小販和攤檔慢 慢被重建的巨浪湮沒,在街頭巷尾消失。可是,這種檔 口結構和小販謀生方式的保育和活化,正好成為對店 鋪的抗衡,以抗衡這個高度規範化的商業社會。《檔口 ──華寧里》的竹竿結構裝置,靈感來自用竹竿晾曬衣物的傳統。過去,這是香港家家戶戶常見的景象。