Andrew Toland and Tiffany Hambley
Kui In Fong to Tank Lane / 居賢坊至水池巷
Mixed Media Installation / 混合媒體裝置
In this piece, Toland and Hambley repurpose the found poetry from often-overlooked signage in Hong Kong. The signs include text such as “Look Right”; “Disinfect every two hours”; or “Disturbed Slopes Ahead”. In their interactive installation on the stairs that lead up to the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, passers-by reassemble these words to form their own poetry from the city. The words and their often random transposition offer a reflection on the subtle anxiety whispering below the surface of Hong Kong’s collective subconscious: the fear of contagion, disease, and engulfment. The title of the work recalls this area’s history as the site of a devastating plague outbreak in 1894.
裝置作品《每兩小時消毒一次!》裏,兩位藝術家以受忽略的告示牌文字為出發點,例如「向右看」、「每兩小時消毒一次」、「前面有斜坡」等,重新利用告示蘊含的詩意創作。參加者可以沿著前往香港醫學博物館的展覽樓梯,把告示字條撕下重組,在城市裏編寫屬於自己的詩。告示文字隨機組合,讓人聯想到這城市因瘟疫 和疾病而潛藏的集體焦慮和恐懼。作品題目《每兩小時 消毒一次!》回應這段樓梯曾於一八九四年爆發鼠疫的歷史。